This years theme is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!
At Pharmacy Alliance, we want to amplify the voices of our aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people during NAIDOC week and beyond it.
NAIDOC Week celebrates and recognises the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. At Pharmacy Alliance, we’re proud to work with a diverse network of members that break stereotypes and barriers each day.
This NAIDOC Week- Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up and fight for awareness, acceptance, and change!
Pharmacy Alliance members share their own experiences as First Nations people.

“I am very proud to be a Wiradjuri woman, and I am very proud of my success in being a pharmacist, my older relations have spoken about the past and how things are different now, I was brought up with very little in life, but always had my family around me. I live on the local Nanima Village out of town, which is one of the oldest missionary settlements in Australia. As I was isolated from town I didn’t see much problems that others faced, even just 20 years ago, but I am happy that the change continues for First Nations people. The Wellington community celebrated my determination to better myself to become a pharmacist. ”
Pharmacist, Sofoni West from Keirle’s Pharmacy in Wellington NSW

“I am very proud of my heritage, my mob is Wiradjuri which is local to the Wellington area and is recognized as one of the largest mobs in Australia my grandmothers have filled me with many stories of their time and treatment that they suffered but are happy that things have changed for me, Wellington NSW celebrates NAIDOC WEEK, given our large indigenous population. I am very happy with the recognition that first peoples now have, and it was fantastic to hear that the Aboriginal flag is flying on the Harbour Bridge.”
Pharmacy Assistant, Alyssa Smith from Wellington Pharmacy

“I am happy that I can recognize opportunities as a first nation person by blood, that my forebears did not. My grandparents and their grandparents, struggled with their identity due to the cultural chasm they experienced. i am happy that there is now far more recognition and acceptance of my culture and heritage, i am feel a great sense of honour to represent my mob being the Dharug clan.”
Pharmacy Manager, Olivia Lavender from Goodlife Pharmacy South Windsor NSW

“My Nan is an Aboriginal Elder and her name is Violet Lousick and she has shared many experiences with me, but I need to learn more about my heritage. A relative of Nan’s was unfortunately one of the Stolen Generation, due to her lighter skin colour, she was targeted, which still haunts her today. Nan is so happy that I received an education, that she could not, or even think about back then. My dad and Uncle had to leave school early to work to support their family, and I am so glad of the education opportunities that I can take up. My two kids are 18 and 15, and my son is very proud to play footy wearing the Wiradjuri jersey, representing his heritage, and he is even prouder to play for NSW Indigenous basketball. Recognition is better today, but still has a way to go, Nan says! I cannot forget my daughter who has trained in aboriginal dance and studies at school to further her knowledge of her family ties.”
Dispensary Assistant, Kristy Conn from Wellington Pharmacy